
Whether you are working on an internationalisation project, setting up a business abroad, or exporting to the global market, being able to communicate without language barriers is crucial. This is why, whatever your field of activity (medical, financial, legal, industrial, marketing etc.), Optilingua will ensure that you benefit from the services of a specialist translator, who translates into their mother tongue. Our translation, interpreting and other language services are available in more than 100 languages, from the rarest to the most widely spoken languages in the world.

All about journalistic translation
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
With the globalisation of information channels, journalistic translation is increasingly in demand, whether by the media, news agencies or international companies. This unique type of translation requires not only strong linguistic skills, but, also excellent writing skills.   What is a journalistic translation? Journalistic translation refers to the translation of content written by journalists for the media including for the written press, digital media, and audiovisual media:
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Differences between Germany and Luxembourg
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
Luxembourg borders Germany in the north-west and it’s a small rather rural country of just under 2,600 square kilometres. The majority of the border between Germany and Luxembourg runs along three rivers – the Our, Sauer and Moselle and is 137 kilometres long. The border extends about seven kilometres east of the river system at the small town of Vianden. But what are the similarities or differences between the two neighbouring countries?  
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Starting a business in the USA
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
Do you dream of opening up a business in the USA and living the American dream? A restaurant in New York, a bakery in San Francisco, a ready-to-wear boutique in Los Angeles, a start-up in Miami... Thanks to its international influence, its dynamism and its overall attractiveness, the US is full of opportunities for entrepreneurs from all over the world. Discover how to succeed in creating a new business across the Atlantic.  
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Cultural differences between Germany and Portugal
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
Portugal is located in the west of the Iberian Peninsula, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the south and west of the country. There are more than 2,500 kilometres between Berlin and the capital of Portugal, Lisbon   Communication: Many similarities and big differences If you look at the way both countries communicate, you will find a number of similarities at first. In Germany, it is important to use formal titles and in Portugal, a professional such as an engineer or a doctor also likes to be greeted formally at a first meeting.
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How to choose a translator for e-book translation?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Marketing Translation Services
The e-book, or electronic book, is one of the most popular ways of showcasing digital content nowadays. If you want to distribute an e-book internationally, translation is essential. But how do you go about it? Who do you use? And, what are the best practices to follow? We tell you everything here.  
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Cultural differences between Spain and Italy
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
Some people confuse Spanish and Italian because the two languages sound more or less the same to them. However, there are important cultural differences between the two languages, in addition to the linguistic ones. Let's see what they are.  
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Cultural differences between France and Italy
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
Although France and Italy are similar in many ways, there are a number of major differences between the two countries, whether in terms of their cuisine, their social lives or in the world of work. Here is an overview of the main cultural differences between France and Italy.  
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What are the most widely spoken languages in Brazil?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
Brazil is the largest country in South America, both in terms of area and population. It is home to over 209 million people and its largest city is São Paulo, which is also the largest city in South America and one of the largest cities in the world. There are about 228 languages spoken in Brazil. These include Portuguese and 11 other foreign or immigrant languages, as well as 217 indigenous languages. In the following article, you can learn more about what languages people speak in Brazil.  
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Cultural differences between Germany and Switzerland
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
There are striking differences between Germany and Switzerland and the two countries do not always agree. One point of friction concerns the length of the border between the two countries. According to the Swiss the border is 363 kilometres, while the Germans believe it is 316 kilometres. The reason for the different figures comes from the course of the border on the Obersee Lake – which is part of Lake Constance.
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Cultural differences between Austria and Switzerland
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
At first glance, there are more similarities than differences between Austria and Switzerland. Both countries are located in the heart of Europe, are known for their mountain landscapes and are comparatively small. Both countries are popular skiing and holiday regions and the quality of life is also very similar. Nevertheless, there are many differences between the two and the most obvious one is the language.  
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