
Whether you are working on an internationalisation project, setting up a business abroad, or exporting to the global market, being able to communicate without language barriers is crucial. This is why, whatever your field of activity (medical, financial, legal, industrial, marketing etc.), Optilingua will ensure that you benefit from the services of a specialist translator, who translates into their mother tongue. Our translation, interpreting and other language services are available in more than 100 languages, from the rarest to the most widely spoken languages in the world.

English abbreviations – The most important
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
The email that just arrived only says "FYI"? The restricted area is only for "VIPs"?! On Fridays, you stumble across "TGIF" on Instagram a dozen times ... In our everyday life we come across many abbreviations, which are often a short form of English terms or statements. To help you understand some of the most important English abbreviations, we have compiled a list, which includes language commonly used by young people as well as important expressions from the business world.  
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Tips for speeding up the proofreading process
By Frédéric Ibanez, Linguistic Services
One of the services often requested by our clients is editing or proofreading content and roughly speaking, this involves looking for linguistic errors in content. This is a labour-intensive task that demands a great deal of precision from our experts.
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The most spoken languages in the world
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
The world’s population now exceeds 7.7 billion and more than 6,900 languages are spoken around the world, of which only 230 are spoken in Europe compared to more than 2,000 in Asia. Papua New Guinea has a population of just 3.9 million, but 840 different languages are spoken there. Below, we take a look at the five most widely spoken languages in the world:  
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Urgent translations quality as the main feature
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
To meet an unexpected requirement, a last-minute request or an unforeseen event, an urgent translation of a document on the same day is sometimes needed. In addition to finding a translator who is able to quickly respond to your request, you need to be assured that the translator you use is professional and skilled and will provide you with a quality service.  
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online interpreters
By Frédéric Ibanez, Professional Interpreting Services
As a result of the Coronavirus crisis, video conferencing has noticeably gained in importance, particularly with regards to online interpreting, also known as distance interpreting, which is being used more and more by companies. This type of interpreting offers an effective and fast alternative for your multilingual exchanges. Here is an overview of the main advantages.  
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professional voice-over artists
By Frédéric Ibanez, Professional Voice Over Services
Below you will find an overview of the most important skills and abilities that a professional voice-over artist needs to have.   Perfect diction The first essential characteristic a voice-over artist has to acquire relates to voice and diction: They need to be able to give clear precise instructions while still retaining natural articulation, regardless of the type and content of the sound recording.
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voice-over agency
By Frédéric Ibanez, Professional Voice Over Services
Dubbing in foreign languages including prior translation of the voice-over artist's texts is nowadays required for many types of audio material, especially for business communication. Using a voice-over agency to produce multilingual recordings offers considerable advantages, including excellent sound quality and the individual attention of professionals.  
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Neural Machine Translation (NMT): What you need to know about this technology
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
The automated translation of languages is not technically new. The first search engines based on database-stored language elements have been around since the 1950s; since then, development has been rapid, especially after the establishment of the Internet with its now billions of users.
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EU Directive 201455EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
Invoices and receipts have been issued ever since the invention of writing and are intended to provide a certain degree of legal assurance to both the invoicing party and the recipient when it comes to services and payments. The common paper invoice has in the meantime been joined by those issued electronically, which are now to become mandatory for authorities throughout the EU.  
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Translations Coronavirus, medical translations
By Frédéric Ibanez, Medical and Pharmaceutical Translations
Covid-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; coronavirus disease 2019) is a virus that first appeared in China in 2019. The virus belongs to the strain of coronaviruses, which usually infect certain mammals or birds and normally only cause mild colds in humans. However, viruses can change (mutate) and adapt to new conditions. In the case of normal influenza viruses, experts are always assessing future mutations and developing vaccines before the start of the new influenza season to combat the most likely changes.
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