
Whether you are working on an internationalisation project, setting up a business abroad, or exporting to the global market, being able to communicate without language barriers is crucial. This is why, whatever your field of activity (medical, financial, legal, industrial, marketing etc.), Optilingua will ensure that you benefit from the services of a specialist translator, who translates into their mother tongue. Our translation, interpreting and other language services are available in more than 100 languages, from the rarest to the most widely spoken languages in the world.

Information about the Certified Translation of Criminal Record Check
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
Do you need a translated criminal record certificate? This document is often requested when you are studying or working in another country. But be careful, it is important that you use a professional certified translator so that the document retains its legal validity. Otherwise, it will probably not be accepted. Below, we explain everything you need to know and take into account when commissioning a criminal record check translation.    
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Exporting to Asia: how to enter the Asian market?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
Exporting to Asia is a good investment choice for European companies. They have access to a booming market with emerging countries such as Vietnam and India, but also to China and Japan, respectively the second and third largest economies in the world in terms of GDP, after the United States (Source: Statista). Here is an overview of the main steps to take in the Asian market.   Why export to Asia? There are many reasons why you should consider exporting your business to the Asian continent:
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5 good reasons to invest in Egypt
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
An ideal geographical location, strong economic growth, simplified procedures for setting up a business... Egypt is, in many ways, a very favourable destination for foreign investors. Here are 5 good reasons why you should invest in Egypt.  
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Translation of a divorce certificate: this is how it works
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
Any marriage that has been entered into before a registry office can be dissolved by divorce. In some countries, you do not need a lawyer for this and a court can make a legally valid decision. A divorce certificate is issued after the divorce decree has been announced and it acts as proof where needed for official procedures such naturalisation or a new marriage.  
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Translation of tenders – what do you have to consider?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
Many companies and a large majority of public bodies use tenders to select their service providers. If you want to take part in an international contract, you often need to translate the document to be submitted. To increase your chances of winning the contract, you need to know how to translate a tender.  
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Translation of marriage certificates: Our tips
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
A wedding is always a reason to celebrate, but the authorities are naturally also interested in the event. A marriage certificate confirms that two people have entered into the bond of marriage. As with birth certificates and death certificates, marriage certificates are official certificates and are issued by regionally responsible authorities.
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Improprieties, clichés and other oddities of the French language
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
As with all languages, the French language has evolved in line with trends and cultural influences, whether on social networks, in the media or in everyday conversations. To decipher these linguistic trends and usages, Optilingua has put together a small overview of barbarisms, improprieties, clichés and other oddities and curiosities of the French language.  
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Certified translation of a death certificate
By Frédéric Ibanez, Expert Technical Translations
When someone dies, there are many tasks for the bereaved to sort out. The inheritance must be settled and the relevant authorities must be informed of the death. A death certificate certifies someone’s death and shows the date and time of death and other information about the person such as their birth name, first name and surname. The certificate is filed in the General Register Office and it serves as proof of someone’s death for the family, for example if they need to give notice of termination of a tenancy agreement or for other obligations.
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Commonly used Spanish nicknames
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
Spanish nicknames are used in everyday life by Spanish speakers and are an integral part of Spain's cultural identity. Are you planning to move to Spain or to take a trip there? To help you integrate perfectly into the country and speak like a local, here is our list of nine commonly used Spanish nicknames.  
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How do you translate English text into French?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
Are you looking for the best way to translate text from English to French? In this article we summarise the different English-French translation tools and methods available, together with their advantages and limitations. 
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